Forum Rules
* No Spamming. Please keep replies and topics relevant to the areas that they apply to. Any post deemed as spam will be removed.
* No sexual, racist, or questionable material. Any questionable material will be removed and the person who added the such will receive a warning.
* No cursing. Minor curses such as damn and hell are allowed, but other curses will be censored, or removed from the post.
* Keep all content at a PG-13 level.
* No recreating locked topics. When a topic is locked by a Moderator or Administrator, another topic on the same subject as the banned topic is not allowed to be created. If you feel as if a topic was closed for unjustified reasons, please speak to one of the staff members.
* Respect the opinions of other members. Each person has their own beliefs and thoughts, and it is better to accept rather than reject.
* Godmodding is prohibited in RPs.
* Trolling is prohibited from the forums. If done so, it will result in the post/posts to be removed and the person who posted the message will receive a warning.
* Insulting and threatening members or staff is prohibited.
* Coming to stalk a member on the site is strongly prohibited. The member who is stalking will be removed and banned from the site immediately.
* Hacking the site is also strongly prohibited. The member trying to hack the site will be removed and banned from the site.
* Respect the staff and other members of the site.
* You can ask Administrators if you wish to have a special rank of your own. Keep in mind to have the name and image appropriate if you choose so. The image should be at a maximum of 115 x 37 pixels. An over sized image could cause problems on your profile. You are only allowed to ask an Administrator to change your rank once a month.
* If you have a Sonic fan character, you have the privilege to ask an Administrator for a smily of that certain character. No more than one smily of that character will be accepted. The smily must be appropriate and at a standard sprite size. If you wish to change it to something else, you have to wait the following month to ask again.
* Staff follows a three strike system. If you do not follow the rules mentioned, you will be given a warning. If you are given three warnings, then you will receive a two-day ban. If a member is banned for more than three times, then the member will be permanently removed from the site.
Multiple Accounts
* Users are not allowed to create multiple accounts for any reasons. Any accounts used to bypass bans, or to stalk other members will be deleted and the person who created the account will be given a warning.
ChatBox Rules
* No cursing in the ChatBox. Minor curses are allowed, but that is the only exception.
* Keep all content at a PG-13 level.
* Do not post any disturbing images or links of them in the ChatBox.
* No large images. If you wish to share an image, please send only the link.
* ChatBox RPing is allowed, but be fair to the other RPers.
* No godmodding. RPs should be fair to all RPers who are participating. Questioning this rule or the authority of the staff to not godmod will result being kicked from the ChatBox. Continuing activity of godmodding will result in a warning for that member.
* Trolling is prohibited. This tends to cause issues with other members and must be avoided. If questioned by a staff member three times, the person trolling with be kicked out of the chat. Continued activity of trolling will result in a warning.
* Don't break the ChatBox. Those of you who know how to, please avoid from doing so. For those of you who don't know, good. We want to avoid this as much as possible.
* If there is a personal issue occurring or starting between members, the staff highly recommends that the members discuss of the issue in private message (PM) only. If ignored, the staff will ask the members involved in the issue to leave the chat. Staff will get involved if the issue becomes an extreme emergency and discuss for a fair solution not only to the members involved, but also to other members who maybe become affected and troubled by the issue.
* Insulting and threatening other members and staff is prohibited.
* Stalking a member is strongly prohibited. The member who is stalking will be removed immediately without question.
* Respect the staff and other members.
* If issues occur in the ChatBox on multiple occasions and the situation gets too out of control, the Administrators will close down the ChatBox for a certain period of time depending on the issue/issues that occurred. Members who are involved in the situation will have to talk to staff privately and solve the issue/issues they have. Keep this in mind so this option doesn't occur.
* Staff follows a three strike system. If you do not follow the rules mentioned, you will be kicked from the ChatBox. If you are kicked three times, you will receive a temporary one day ban. If this occurs multiple times, then you will be permanently removed from the ChatBox.
So be good or this will happen
besides that just have fun! 8D
- The Sonic Forever Staff
* No Spamming. Please keep replies and topics relevant to the areas that they apply to. Any post deemed as spam will be removed.
* No sexual, racist, or questionable material. Any questionable material will be removed and the person who added the such will receive a warning.
* No cursing. Minor curses such as damn and hell are allowed, but other curses will be censored, or removed from the post.
* Keep all content at a PG-13 level.
* No recreating locked topics. When a topic is locked by a Moderator or Administrator, another topic on the same subject as the banned topic is not allowed to be created. If you feel as if a topic was closed for unjustified reasons, please speak to one of the staff members.
* Respect the opinions of other members. Each person has their own beliefs and thoughts, and it is better to accept rather than reject.
* Godmodding is prohibited in RPs.
* Trolling is prohibited from the forums. If done so, it will result in the post/posts to be removed and the person who posted the message will receive a warning.
* Insulting and threatening members or staff is prohibited.
* Coming to stalk a member on the site is strongly prohibited. The member who is stalking will be removed and banned from the site immediately.
* Hacking the site is also strongly prohibited. The member trying to hack the site will be removed and banned from the site.
* Respect the staff and other members of the site.
* You can ask Administrators if you wish to have a special rank of your own. Keep in mind to have the name and image appropriate if you choose so. The image should be at a maximum of 115 x 37 pixels. An over sized image could cause problems on your profile. You are only allowed to ask an Administrator to change your rank once a month.
* If you have a Sonic fan character, you have the privilege to ask an Administrator for a smily of that certain character. No more than one smily of that character will be accepted. The smily must be appropriate and at a standard sprite size. If you wish to change it to something else, you have to wait the following month to ask again.
* Staff follows a three strike system. If you do not follow the rules mentioned, you will be given a warning. If you are given three warnings, then you will receive a two-day ban. If a member is banned for more than three times, then the member will be permanently removed from the site.
Multiple Accounts
* Users are not allowed to create multiple accounts for any reasons. Any accounts used to bypass bans, or to stalk other members will be deleted and the person who created the account will be given a warning.
ChatBox Rules
* No cursing in the ChatBox. Minor curses are allowed, but that is the only exception.
* Keep all content at a PG-13 level.
* Do not post any disturbing images or links of them in the ChatBox.
* No large images. If you wish to share an image, please send only the link.
* ChatBox RPing is allowed, but be fair to the other RPers.
* No godmodding. RPs should be fair to all RPers who are participating. Questioning this rule or the authority of the staff to not godmod will result being kicked from the ChatBox. Continuing activity of godmodding will result in a warning for that member.
* Trolling is prohibited. This tends to cause issues with other members and must be avoided. If questioned by a staff member three times, the person trolling with be kicked out of the chat. Continued activity of trolling will result in a warning.
* Don't break the ChatBox. Those of you who know how to, please avoid from doing so. For those of you who don't know, good. We want to avoid this as much as possible.
* If there is a personal issue occurring or starting between members, the staff highly recommends that the members discuss of the issue in private message (PM) only. If ignored, the staff will ask the members involved in the issue to leave the chat. Staff will get involved if the issue becomes an extreme emergency and discuss for a fair solution not only to the members involved, but also to other members who maybe become affected and troubled by the issue.
* Insulting and threatening other members and staff is prohibited.
* Stalking a member is strongly prohibited. The member who is stalking will be removed immediately without question.
* Respect the staff and other members.
* If issues occur in the ChatBox on multiple occasions and the situation gets too out of control, the Administrators will close down the ChatBox for a certain period of time depending on the issue/issues that occurred. Members who are involved in the situation will have to talk to staff privately and solve the issue/issues they have. Keep this in mind so this option doesn't occur.
* Staff follows a three strike system. If you do not follow the rules mentioned, you will be kicked from the ChatBox. If you are kicked three times, you will receive a temporary one day ban. If this occurs multiple times, then you will be permanently removed from the ChatBox.
So be good or this will happen
besides that just have fun! 8D
- The Sonic Forever Staff
Last edited by Trespasser on Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:19 am; edited 1 time in total